Us World Racers come to you with conflicting hearts.
As some of you may know we have spent the last few weeks in Nicaragua. As we took our first steps into this country winds of change swirled around us and with eager spirits we threw ourselves into ministry. After only a few days of ministry we were all taken back with what we encountered.
We sat with a girl plagued with seizures and told her Jesus wanted to suffer with her.
We looked upon a group of young homeless men and told them God has a purpose for their lives.
We prayed with precious little ones as they accepted Christ into their hearts.
We cried with people.
We laughed with people.
We rejoiced with people.
After each encounter we left with our conflicting hearts. It is gut wrenching to see a soul feel the love of Christ for the first time and to know that they have no materials on which to quench their thirst.
These people are thirsty.Words can’t express the longing we have seen written across their faces.
We come to you with great humility asking if you will help us.
Help us bring words of love into their homes so that they may continue to walk in truth.
They need Bibles.
You have the opportunity to be vessels in which waters of life are brought to quench thirsty hearts.
And you know what the best part is? It will only cost you $7.
Based on our calculations we know of about 7 villages that are in need of Bibles. We feel each village needs a minimum of 20 bibles.
If we raise at least $1,000 we will have enough money to supply those villages with bibles.If we raise more than $1,000…… Guess what? More people get bibles.
We urge you to think of the ways in which the scandalous grace of God has changed your life and let that be your motivation for giving. We are all His precious children and we all deserve to know the love of the cross.
No exceptions.
Thank you all for taking time to read our petition. Jesus loves you, and so do we.
“Intense love does not measure, it just gives.” -Mother Theresa