I am blown away. Like the kind of blown away you feel when you visit the Oregon Coast on a blustery day in December. It gets intense, folks.

Thanks to all of my generous supporters, we have already reached (and exceeded) the September fundraising goal of $4,000!

The words I type here don’t even come close to portraying the warm, cared for feeling I have right now.

To those anonymous supporters that I can’t thank in person, THANK YOU!!

To everyone who hasn’t yet received a thank you note, THANK YOU! and I am getting those cards mailed out soon!

**Stay tuned for more details about an epic yard sale and t-shirt sales!! 


Okay, if that wasn’t exciting enough, brace yourself, I have more big news…

My route changed!

Instead of traveling from Serbia > Kosovo > Romania…

I am now traveling to Balkans > Greece > Romania.

I am so excited to see all that God is doing in these areas of the world!

You know, I see this as a vision trip of sorts. Eleven countries in eleven months is quick, I know, but maybe He will open up a door for me to work overseas long term? I won’t know unless I go. The possibilities are endless and frightening at times, but I long to hold this trip with an open hand.

In His Loving Hands,