“And He said to them: Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation” Mark 16:15
This has always been something that I believed was a personal call from the Lord. I have never been outside of the United States, yet for as long as I can remember I have had such a desire to go. I’ve wanted to go somewhere, go anywhere, go outside of what is comfortable. I truly believe that the Lord wouldn’t have given me this desire if He didn’t have a purpose for it. This desire has driven me to seek and explore options outside of my comfort zone. I sought so far out of my comfort zone that I found fulfilment of these desires in the thought of being in a strange, new country every month, living out of a backpack and not knowing what the next day may hold. I didn’t know where life after college would take me but I knew it would be outside of America and I knew the Lord would be faithful in showing me the rest. That is something that excited me.
My decision to go on the Race came with an internal battle, quite a few pro/con lists, refusal to listen to outside opinions, and of course a few uncertainties. I was offered two incredible opportunities to spend the next year of my life on missions with two different organizations, one being the World Race and the other is one that I hope to work with in the future even though now is not the right season for me.For those of you who may not know me, I am as indecisive as they come. When faced with a decision, no matter how small or big it may be, I constantly fear that I will make the wrong one. The Lord absolutely knows that about me but has used that as a means to trust Him in my decision making.
I was truly shocked, excited and so humbled when I was extended offers from both organizations within 24 hours of each other! However, soon that excitement turned to worry and uneasy feelings as I knew it had to be made: a decision. I had honestly hoped the Lord would allow me only one of these opportunities so that I wouldn’t have to choose one myself. As I write this I realize that I sound ungrateful because I had frustrations with the blessing and ability to make a choice, which led me to a discovery:
Why do I have fears of making the wrong choice when both opportunities are so clearly blessed by the Lord? He knows I am indecisive and created me to be that way. My frustrations with decision-making give the illusion that the control is in my hands when in reality, it’s not at all. So why worry when the worry is useless?
This truth gave me peace and freedom to choose without fear because the ultimate decision is out of my hands.
So, as I thought of my final decision I was sure that I would choose the opposite from the World Race. As I made what I thought was a final decision, I felt uneasy and uncertain that I was going in the wrong direction. That’s when I was hit with a wave of truth: sometimes peace doesn’t come until a decision has been made. I realized that what I wanted, what I had been praying for was peace and clarity from the Lord. The idea of going on The World Race gave me a new feeling, a calmness that could only have come from the Lord. The moment I spoke it aloud and shared the exciting news with one of my roommates, a weight was lifted off my chest and I was overcome with peace, knowing with full confidence that the World Race is the next exciting adventure that the Lord has planned for me!
So, after two incredible opportunities and three weeks of back in forth internal battles today, March 24, would be the day that I made my decision without any regrets but a whole lot of peace:
I am so excited and humbled to officially announce that in September 2014 I will be going on the adventure of a lifetime! I will be traveling to India, Nepal, Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, Mongolia, Malaysia, Laos and the Philippines over 11 months to serve Jesus, and love people, to be challenged and grow in my faith and to discover His glory, power and beauty across the globe.
Jesus, I am ready to go. Send me and use me to bring you glory!