THANK YOU!! It’s amazing to think that I started this journey to fundraise for the World Race right after graduating college without a job or really any money. I stepped into this thing knowing that it was going to be a $16,255 journey plus medical expenses for shots, plus the cost of all my new gear, plus the cost of any personal money I would need in the 11 months of being out in the world. It was a pretty daunting number that I felt looming above me and I’ll be honest at first I was fearful of fundraising. Why? Because it is out of my control. In fundraising there is faith and trust involved and dependence off of myself and fully on the Lord. There is a need to trust Him to fulfill the promise He made when He called me on this journey. Once I stepped into fundraising depending on Him to fill my account He affirmed my decision to go on the Race time and time again by meeting the first fundraising deadline, and then the second, and I just knew that funding to meet the third and the last deadlines would come in. My faith was strong because His promises are strong and He is always faithful to fulfill them.
What I didn’t know is just how faithful the Lord was going to be in orchestrating all of the blessings through fundraising that He was giving me through all of you and your stories. I was stunned by many of the donations I received. I got some very generous donations from people that I had never met until the moment that I thanked them for their gift, I received some anonymous donations, some donations from people who were unable to afford supporting me but decided to step into faith and believe the Lord would provide from them as they provided for others, there were gifts that randomly showed up as the exact amount I needed at that time, there was support that came in the form of gift cards for gear, some that came by way of people I have never met who wanted to support me by purchasing one of my fundraising T-shirts. These examples could go on and on! There were so many stories that the Lord used to weave into blessing me and I want to thank you not only for sharing your finances but for sharing your stories and faith with me too, it makes this journey so much more special to know that you’re truly invested!
So, here I am 7 months into this crazy journey over $16,255 later and in awe of His faithfulness! I am forever grateful for your prayers, your generosity and your support in every sense of the way! I can’t wait to finish out the next 4 months of the World Race strong and I believe that He will continue to bless each and every one of you!
What does that mean for those of you who are my supporters!?
****If you are supporting me monthly you can unsubscribe to the system so that it will not continue to pull money out of your account****
1. I have a PayPal account that I use for personal money on the field for things such as shampoo, conditioner, soap, snacks, and ministry opportunities that arise in meeting people like filling the need of food or whatever it may be. If you are interested in supporting me still you may give there at: [email protected]
2. Also, if you are still interested in donating and supporting the World Race, a teammate of mine, Kat Kendall, is still in need of funds!! You can visit her fundraising page at katkendall.theworldrace.org