Hey Hey Hey! 

Launch is only a few days away now! I am in full prep/thrilled/anxious mode and would appreciate prayers for peace and wisdom as I finish up the last few things before I head to Atlanta on August 3rd for World Race Launch!

I want to make sure all of my supporters know how they can follow this crazy awesome Kingdom Journey!

  1. If you haven’t already, be sure to click the “Subscribe for Updates” button…it’s on this page…look up..a little to the left…there! Click that and share your email to get updates. This isn’t any type of spam, you will only get emails when I post a new blog here. 
  2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to watch the entire journey! I have committed to Vlogging (Video Blogging) my World Race experience. This means that my supporters, friends, and family will be able to follow me around the world. How cool, right?! All you need to do is follow this link (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkNwppSnJQKML2E_nz6gy7A) and click the red “subscribe” button. If you have a Gmail account then you already have a YouTube account! And again, this is not spam, doing this will simply send you a notification when I upload a new video. 
  3. I’m a huge fan of Instagram…so you can follow along there too! My account is @allinakay and I will also be using the following hashtags: #worldrace #11n11 (all racers use these) #LinaChangingLatitude (this is my personal one…Shoutout to my friend Rayna for helping come up with this)

I am humbled by the amount of both moral and financial support I’ve been given during my preparation for the Race and I’d love for you all to see the fruits of your support! So please follow and watch what God does this year. It’s gonna be great.

Here is an example of what my Vlogs will be like…this one is from Training Camp!

With Love,
