10:25 pm August 2nd

“This call is for Allina from Boutique Air. Unfortunately our flight 751 you were scheduled to take to Denver in the morning has been cancelled. Please give us a call back and we can get you on a later flight at 11:30 or get a refund started.”

Today, I woke up at 2:00 am to drive to Denver with my parents and niece so I could make my 9:45 am flight from DIA to Atlanta for World Race Launch.

It wasn’t the ideal start, but I’m currently riding through the Rocky Mountains and am really not mad about it. Here it all starts, this crazy ride around the world to 11 countries, with my sole guidance being the Lord.

How am I feeling?
A little nauseous. A little like I need to poop. And whole lot of excitement, thrills, and butterflies. On this day 1 year ago, I first saw the list of August 2017 World Race routes. In the weeks to follow I spent hours in prayer about each route and eventually sent in my application. It is truly unbelievable how much has happened and changed in this year of preparation. It’s been challenging and stressful, because I was still learning to fully trust our God. This past year has been a year of learning and growth. I see this next year being a year of learning and growth and application. I see this year being challenging but I’ve come to find that challenging does not have to mean stressful or impossible. It means I have the opportunity to stretch and grow!

When I got the call last night that my very first flight of this journey had been cancelled, my instinct was to panic and stress out. And I did for like 2 minutes. Then I washed my face, kissed my dog, and went to bed because this trip isn’t about me. This trip isn’t going to be ideal and my control is not important. God called me to the Race, so I’ll make it to Atlanta. One way or another.

I’m about an hour from Denver now and I’m so not looking forward to kissing my parents and niece goodbye. But I will, because this trip isn’t about me.

See you in Atlanta, Y Squad.
Everyone else, I’ll see ya in 11 months!

With love,