“Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” 
– Anton Chekhov

If you follow me on any form of social media, you know that I am often sharing about the World Race. This is mostly for the purpose of spreading the word and gaining partners in prayer. Most of the reactions to my posts have been very positive and encouraging. People see that I am going to work in missions and wish me well. I honestly wouldn’t expect any other kind of response to someone going out to help others. 

Last week, however, I had a comment left on one of my posts that was a question asking if I would be strictly volunteering or if I was going to proselytize (meaning “to convert”). This appears to be an innocent question on the surface, however, I know the woman who posted it is an open atheist. I took some time considering how I was going to answer, wanting to be respectful and accurately explain the job I signed up for. I finally stated that I would be doing a little of both, but that the ultimate purpose of this mission is to spread God’s love. She replied very respectfully that she disagreed with how many missionaries entered countries with no regard to culture and were simply there to convert. 

The reason I am sharing this with you is because this woman actually gave me some vital advice on how to share the gospel with unbelievers. She does not believe there is a God, however, in the end, told me that she appreciated that I was going to help people and that she would try to donate to my cause! I was able to reach her because we are not going on the World Race to simply convert everyone we see, but to share God’s love and hope. 

When I first started my creative writing courses a few years ago, the first thing they taught me was to ‘show’ don’t ‘tell’. I’ve been using that in my work ever since, but am just know starting to connect it to evangelizing. Only after we show God’s love can we share the way of knowing Christ. It would be nearly impossible to lead people to salvation if they do not see what comes from it. They must first see our open hearts, giving spirits, and unbreakable hope! In Matthew 5:16, the Lord tells us to “let our light shine before others, that they may see our good deeds and glorify our Father in heaven.” I am not going on the World Race to tell others about God and how wonderful He is, but to be His hands and feet. I will show God’s love and power by loving His people and serving all. 

I am thankful for my friend who spoke up about what she believes and helped me realize my purpose on the World Race. I pray for guidance and strength as I show His love and power, and wisdom when unbelievers do ask for answers. This is simply another example of how God leads us in unexpected ways.