“‘What day is it?’

‘It’s today,’ squeaked Piglet.

‘My favorite day,’ said Pooh.”

-A.A. Milne

In less than 9 months, this adventure transitions from preparation to action. August will be here before we know it. It’s not much time at all. There is planning, purchasing, and packing to be done! Not to mention, the little job of fundraising is difficult and time-consuming. The World Race is a full-time job and it starts long before we actually step foot on the field. For the past few months my free thoughts and time have been consumed by the race. Not only with planning, but with imagining. My passion for travel wants to research all the countries. My love for people wants to prepare my heart with encouraging scripture. This is good and necessary…but, the Lord led me to a surprising revelation.

Over the past few weeks, as the fall semester of my Senior year of college came to a close, I came to the realization that much of my time is being spent in the future. Whether I’m looking forward to Christmas break, graduation, or my launch on the World Race, I am always looking forward. It’s wonderful to look to the things ahead and have a degree of preparation for them, but not to the point where we are missing out on today: missing out on a connection we could have made with another person – missing out on the simple beauty of a winter’s sunset – missing out on precious time with the people we love. I am regretfully guilty of this.

After spending some time thinking and praying about how I can be more present in every day, these actions were laid out.

  • Enjoy the preparation. – I have a lot to prepare for, and it does take up a lot of my time. But I can enjoy and grow from the process, in both my goal of graduation and the World Race.
  • Let God work. – God is making moves in my life and our relationship has found new heights this year. I see this as a preparation for the future, for the race. HA! How silly of me to think that God could only use me for His works while on the race! I am coming to the realization that there are things I can be doing right now to spread God’s love and hope, and I don’t have to go anywhere for that.
  • Be present. – It is a simple sentiment, but not an easy task. When something as exciting as the World Race is looming in the future, I want nothing to do with my ordinary life of work and school. But I am going through this point of routine and simplicity for a reason; there are great people to love and important lessons to learn in this time.

My prayer is that I will wake up everyday as if today is my favorite day. Please join me in this prayer. We are all guilty of either looking to the past or future, we often forget that the present is happening now and we might be missing something really great!