Recently, I was asked the question “What were you hoping to get out of the World Race? Did you get it?”

This time last year, I was preparing to graduate from college and was in the thick of fundraising for the Race. I knew that I was doing this thing, but at the same time it still felt very far away and almost like it was happening to someone else. If you were to ask me then what I wanted out of the Race I would have said things like:

“I hoping to make a difference.”

“I think it will be an amazing adventure.”

“I want my life to have a purpose.”

Today, I’m at the end of month 9 and being asked to reflect if I actually got what I was hoping for.

Have I been given the opportunity to help people? Yes.

Do I feel like I was a part of making a difference in the world? Yes.

But here is the thing, the World Race was never about what I could do. If anything I was terribly ill equipped for just about every ministry I’ve done. What I have actually found this year is GOD. Okay, okay, you might think duh. This was a christian mission trip after all. But hear me out. I cannot change the world. I do not know how to save anyone from their fears. Shoot, I didn’t even know how to save myself from own brokenness. Luckily, my purpose never was to save the world.

I want you to really hear me here.

I have not, nor will I, do anything magical or magnificent while on the World Race.

Now that I’ve made myself sound like I’ve totally wasted a year of my life, let me tell you what has happened: GOD.

This thing was never about me (even though I didn’t always know it). And while I truly appreciate all the messages about how proud you all are of me and how I am an inspiration, I’d like to take this time and space to point the praise in the right direction, let’s point it upward.

“I can do all things, through Christ who gives me strength.”

You may or may not have heard this before, but it comes from the Bible. The Bible is a book that I’ve come to really cherish and respect. And I love this verse. I love this verse because it makes it very clear what I am capable of, which is nothing. Now wait, but the verse does not say nothing it says ALL THINGS. I can do all things. Well, you see, I majored in English so I’m a huge fan of punctuation. So let’s take a look at the clause after the comma. You see it? That is the kicker! “THROUGH CHRIST” This is what I’ve learned this year. I am nothing without my God, but with Him…shoot, I can do all things.

All this is to say that I had hopes for the World Race and yes, I’d say most, if not all, my hopes have come true. But that is not how I want to answer this question. I want the world to know that the Lord is all powerful and I am powerless, but when we come together and I open myself up to be used by an all powerful God, the world could change.

Instead of saying what I hoped for, here is what happened.

I slowly learned how to fully rely on the Lord. Because I was relying on the Lord, I discovered what true peace feels like. Because I understood the power of peace, I got to share His peace with others. When people feel peace, they want more. I then began to see how the Father has used my life as an example of His love. So, not only did I get to share peace, I also learned to share His love. And when people see unconditional love, big things start to happen. People find freedom, people give their life to Christ, the sick are healed, the lost are found, and the world slowly and subtly begins to change. All this because one terribly equipped and broken person chose to say yes. The only part I really have in this story is that I said yes when the Lord asked me if I was open to His will. From there, our all powerful God showed up and showed off His goodness, love, compassion, and plan.

I found this all on the Race, but that is not to say the Lord couldn’t have done all this at home or through you. Saying yes to the Race was just the first of many more yeses I got to give. The World Race is a tool the Lord is using to spread change around the world. But no fear, He is just as capable of using you right where you are. And there is no prerequisite.

It simply takes a yes.

I ask that you really pray (or just think) about what you hope to get out of this life. If any of your answers have to do with change, purpose, adventure, or joy. I promise that following the plan of God will take you so much further than you ever imagined possible. Just think about it.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.”

Ephesians 3:20


with love,
