“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.”

– Mark Twain

We are sinful. We wrong others and we hold grudges. We don’t always love and are quick to judge. We are sinful.

We are also so loved and forgiven, and I have taken this for granted in many ways.

Making the effort to forgive seemed pointless to me. Someone not only hurt me tremendously, but has devastated the people I love the most. My heart hardened toward her and her presence in my life was nonexistent. She didn’t haunt my thoughts nor was considered during my prayers. In all simplicity, she was completely irrelevant to my life. Well, that is until she stumbled back without the courtesy of a warning.

The phone calls from my mom are easily my favorite part of the day, except when that call is to casually inform you that her oldest daughter is at her house. The story of why my very own sister was the last person I wanted to ever hear from or about is long and dramatic, but just know that I had completely written her off as hopeless. But here she was, in my mother’s home again needing help. My first thought was that I am lucky to live 1,000 miles away and she is not my problem, but I was still irritated that she was imposing on my parents, yet again. It wasn’t that difficult to push the call from my mind later, after all I had been doing this to my sister for years.

Later in the night, as I was listening to a podcast about doubt, and I felt the hand of God reach in and soften my heart. It wasn’t gradual and I can’t say it was even triggered by the podcast. The only thing I know is that God knew that my sister needed to feel His love again and He intended on using me to do this. I didn’t even question it, which feels odd to me even now, but I knew what God wanted from me. This is an extraordinary experience, to feel the God’s purpose take form in my life.

The story is far from over, and I can’t say I have any idea how it will turn out, but I have forgiven my sister. I will now try to show her God’s love and try to restore hope in her life. I know this is difficult to understand while not having any background, but this step is clearly God’s way of preparing my heart for what He has in store for the Race. I ask that you continue to pray for my personal growth, and please pray for my sister that she may find peace and hope within the Lord.

“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”

Hebrew 12:14