“The moments that define lives aren’t always obvious. They don’t always scream LEDGE, and nine times out of ten there’s no rope to duck under, no line to cross, no blood pact, no official letter on fancy paper. They aren’t always protracted, heavy with meaning.”

-Victoria Schwab


What comes to mind when you think of a “defining moment” in your life? 

Graduation? A proposal? A birth or death? 

I can think of quite a few in my life…the day my niece Alexis was born, the moment I got the call about the death of my cousin Tyler, the night I chose to stop being a believer and started following Christ. 

Yesterday I left Training Camp for the World Race, and I can easily place these past 10 days in the category of “defining moments”. 

As I’m trying to find words to explain this experience, I’m coming up so short. But I’ll give it a try. 

Training Camp pushed me. I came into the week expecting to meet my squad and start building some great relationships. I expected to learn some valuable information for the field. I expected to get a little dirty and stretch my comfort zone. I expected to come back home the same Allina who left only 10 days ago. But I’m not the same. 

I did meet my squad mates, but relationships weren’t simply started, they were set on fire. Our squad was hand picked by the great Creator and He makes no mistakes. I connected to the souls of my squad in ways I have never connected to anyone. We shared secrets and burdens and regrets. We walked through each others shame and found freedom from our past together. 


I did learn some valuable information for the field and most of it included how the Lord works in my life and how to truly hear His promptings. My worth was displayed and my value was spoken into. I was taught how to see the people who are mostly looked over. I practiced what it looked like for my heart to break for the things that break His heart. I prayed over my squad mates and witnessed healing happen right before my eyes! 

I didn’t get a little dirty. I got filthy. I am still not sure if I have a Chaco tan or it is just dirt that wasn’t washed off in the bucket shower. It was revealed to my by my squad mate Chase that I get to sweat for Jesus. I get to go to bed dirty every night in order to help grow the kingdom. And it’s a pretty incredible understanding. 

I’m not coming back the same Jesus loving, Bible reading, night time praying Allina. I’m coming home a God fearing, truth seeking, prayer warrior. I am redeemed and I am free. I turned over my shame and my control and laid them at the feet of the cross. I no longer tip toe around the subject of Jesus, I shout His name from the rooftop! I sing hallelujah out loud and know my out-of-tune voice brings joy to my Father. I pray for healing and actually have faith enough to expect to see a miracle. 

Now, I’m sure your thinking “how could you possibly experience this much change in just 10 days at a training camp?” My response to you is to STOP LIMITING GOD! The Holy Spirit was so present in my life that I could not help but experience a radical change! 

If you still don’t understand, if you don’t understand how the Holy Spirit can be present here on earth…shoot me a message! Because just a few days ago I didn’t quite understand either. But God showed up and walked along side me. This walk isn’t for only a select few, anyone can experience a walk with the Holy Spirit, but you do have to open your heart to possibility of a change.

If you want to know more, send me a message. I’d love to chat about it. 

So for some of the fun stuff…I did the required fitness hike and CRUSHED IT. Well, I mean I finished in time. And I honestly have my squad to thank for that. Some of my squad mates finished early and then came back out on the trail to run alongside those of us who were struggling a bit. How cool is that? My sweet friend Kenna ran alongside me as I crossed the finish line and it is a moment I will cherish forever. (Let me point out that we did the hike on day 2 of camp so I hardly knew these people, but they still came back out to help us) It was a really special thing for me. 

I got put on my first team!!! Ahhhhh! So my team is who I will be doing life with for the next three months (at least), they change teams up on the field but for the first part I will be a part of a 6 woman team! I will introduce you to my team in a separate blog post. 

Lastly, WE WON SQUAD WARS! There are 5 different squads launching for the World Race in August 2017 and they range from 50 members to 20 members (our squad is the smallest). And starting a few weeks ago, we had a friendly competition between the squads and it was all wrapped up on Friday with a fun games day! While we were the smallest squad and had several disadvantages during the games, we pulled off the win! I think it is a great testament to the hard work, teamwork, and drive of our tiny squad! 

This is a super brief summary of Training Camp and I could probably right an entire post on each and every day, but who would want to read that? If you want to see more of Training Camp, I did try to vlog a little bit and will have the video up on my YouTube channel soon (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkNwppSnJQKML2E_nz6gy7A)! The footage is a little all over the place because well…Training Camp is crazy and a little all over the place. But please give that a watch and hit the subscribe button for both my blogs on this page, and on my YouTube channel. I will be posting videos from the field all year! For those of you who have supported me, this is the best way for you to see how you are making an impact! 

I can’t wait to tell you all about my team and share how the Lord continues to work in my life as I prepare for launch. Which is ONLY 6 WEEKS AWAY, PEOPLE!! 

In these next few weeks I plan to really rest in my life at home with my parents. I will enjoy my showers and my soft bed. I will rest in the presence of my mom and dad and make fun memories with my nieces. I will send A LOT of time in prayer and drink A LOT of coffee. My heart still needs work as I prepared for the mission field and I am ready to see even more changes in life. 

Thank you all for coming alongside me in this journey! See ya in the next one!

With love,


“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

-Isaiah 43:19