I wish I was fully funded before I left America…. Wait no I don’t because then I wouldn’t have a front row seat to so many Miracles!! I’ve never fasted before but I heard God tell me to fast for a day. When my teammates went out for meals I would use that time to just sit and hang out with Jesus. I assumed I was supposed to just pray as hard as possible for fundraising… but Jesus quickly redirected my prayer. “Allie why are you praying for money… shouldn’t you just be praying to trust me?” Ahhh yes Jesus.. You’re so right!!!! So I dug into that truth all day… I realized I have a problem fully believing with all of me that God will provide a huge amount of money. HE IS THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE… HE CREATED PEOPLE…HE GAVE PEOPLE THEIR JOBS…HE BLESSED PEOPLE WITH MONEY! He runs the whole system why am I questioning it!!!!
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet you’re heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6:25-26)
God proved that I was “much more valuable” than “the birds of the air”…. at the end of a long long day of fasting and trying to comprehend how powerful He is… there on the top of my emails was a 100$ donation.
Last night I went on a run and instead of listening to my usual hype running playlist.. God told me to slow it down a little and listen to a sermon on trusting in HIM. Okay yeah that sounds a whole lot less hype, but just wait till the end of the story. The sermon really touched on the topic that “God works in the mystery”… which got me thinking…The second the mystery is lost so is a huge chunk of the trust. I’VE GOT TO GIVE GOD SOMETHING TO WORK WITH!!!!! I have to live in a state of mystery where I don’t have the answer or solution so God can step in and remind me of how CRAZY POWERFUL He is. How I’m gonna raise 2000$ in 10 days is a big mystery!! VERY BIG MYSTERY!
Time and time again throughout the Bible thanksgiving proceeds the miracle. EXAMPLE: Jesus feeding the 5,000
“Bring them here to me,” he said. And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people. They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. (Matthew 14:18-21)
Since it worked time and time again in the Bible…I should test it out. So I turned on one of my favorite worship songs that proclaims over and over again how good God is, but there was a problem loading the song. I was like God come on I’m trying to worship you here can this song please load… but it just kept buffering. It was buffering for the perfect amount of time so I could hear the ding from my email. The email was a donation into my fundraising account. Right when my eyes saw the donation the song was fully loaded and began to blast through my headphones! Immediately I was overwhelmed by Gods amazing timing… in that moment I just fell to my knees. God you are SO SO GOOD!!!!
Looking up at the stars always puts me in a state of awe. ALWAYS! The other night I was in like jaw dropping awe because it was a meteor shower. Laying on a concrete volleyball court in our little Thai village I found myself speechless. Just imagine seeing a Disney shooting star in real life…. That will align your heart for some good good worship. I found myself looking like a fool in front of some of the students… hands in the air, huge smile, on my face just abandoning all care to show my savior that His show in the sky was incredible. I felt this sense of urgency to explain why I was worshiping and who I was worshiping. So I leaned over to my students and explained to them (though a translator, of course) that I am worshiping the creator of the stars and told them how in love I am with Jesus and how Jesus is so in love with them. Well that statement stirred some questions in one of the boys hearts…
(guess what… we got the date for the meteor shower wrong, yeah…so that show in the sky was purely Gods love)
The next day after school we read the kids who were waiting on the bus the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Well ironically that same boy who’s head was stirring with questions about this creator of the stars was listening… and a story about a man being raised from the dead really got him thinking. The questions just came pouring out of his mouth… questions ALL about Jesus. My team and I tried to answer all the questions, but we knew this kid really needed to find the answer himself, so we let him keep the Bible. The day after he came running in to class pointing to the cross asking “how do I get this.” That story is still being written and ill be sure to keep you updated, but all I have to say is God is doing BIG BIG things here in Thailand.
Thank you so much for all the prayers and support!!! Please pray that I can continue trusting God and wait on His timing!! I currently have 1,755$ left to go until I’m fully funded and my deadline in December 22nd!!! I NEED YOUR HELP!!! click here to donate!!