I’m giving you an update on my financial status (I know, nobody does that in real life) according to all-things-Race and otherwise. I feel that transparency is important in the matter so that I can keep all parties involved (you, me, Jesus) “in the loop” and on the same wavelength.

As of yesterday, I have reached my first fundraising goal of $5,000!!!!!!!!! This $5,000 total isn’t due until the middle of May but because of the Lord’s provision I’ve hit it a few months early! Thanks to all who have been a part of reaching the first mark of this journey. My faith and trust that the Lord is able to provide thousands more than what I need has been magnified and strengthened over and over through your willingness to let Him use you to get me where I need to be!!! Next goal: $10,000 by July.

Some of you know that I picked up a second job back at the end of September to save up more funds for this trip. I’m still working full-time at Cumulus, and weekends at Five (the restaurant I’m at). All of the money I make at Five is handed to me as cash at the end of each shift and goes directly into a super cool animal crackers tin on my nightstand. This money will go into my bank account pre-launch and will be used each month as my spending money, for various personal needs and endeavors on our once-a-week off-day. The Race recommends we bring between $100-150 per month for this, which is just about what I’ve saved so far! Shout out to everyone who has ever been served by me at Five, and a special thanks to that guy I spilled Bailey’s on two weeks ago… I don’t know what to do with my hands.


If you are reading this and feel called to contribute to the remaining (approximately) $11,000 needed to reach my goal, please hit the Support Me button and it should be quite simple from there. You can also get involved through future fundraisers (stay tuned), buying a handmade candle (hit me up), or getting yourself a t-shirt (I have all sizes!)


ADDITIONAL PSA:  Adventures in Missions will be taking the fundraising database down for maintenance starting yesterday (2/17), so if I do not acknowledge your gift immediately, it is because I will not be seeing any updates to my account until after February 23rd. Donations will still be accepted, I will just be delayed in acknowledging their arrival. Please let me know if you have any questions at all!