I have about two weeks before I land on American soil for the first time in almost a year. With the end in sight, I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people wondering what my “next” is. I didn’t officially have a response to this question until a few days ago, and I am very excited to share it with you!

Coming on the race, I figured this would be my “big adventure” with God. He’d do some cool stuff and then I’d go home and get back to the “real” world. But the race is not a break from normal, grown up, real life. It is real life. It may be unconventional, but it’s been a year that has shown me how unconventional I want my life to be. I don’t want to get too comfortable at any point in my life. I want to live in a place where I am fully dependent on the Lord. About a week ago, I had an opportunity placed before me that would provide me with security and consistency. Honestly it was a very tempting opportunity. But the more I prayed about it, the more God kept pressing the words “dependency” and “perfect will” on my heart. I realized that this opportunity, although a great one, would not be aligned with His perfect will for my life right now. So I declined, and am heading in a direction that requires more trust and dependency on my part.

Beginning in January 2016, I will be moving to Mijas, Spain to attend G42. G42 is a 6 month program designed to build character and develop leadership skills as well as continue the work the Lord began on the race. We will learn to look more like Jesus in the World. They will also inspire us to take our passions and turn them into kingdom work.

 “The G42 Leadership Academy is a six month program created for discipling, inspiring and equipping young men and women to locate their passion – whether in business, the non-profit realm, church planting or the arts – and to develop a strategy to use that passion to bring Kingdom to the earth.”

I was officially accepted to this program a couple of days ago, and I am ready to get started. One of the reasons I wanted to be a part of this program is because I am passionate about shedding light on child sexual abuse and sharing my story to bring healing to others who have been through the same abuse that I had experienced.  I am also passionate about women’s rights and the way that women are treated differently around the world.  I believe that the Lord has called me to use my voice, and my hope is that G42 will not only prepare me for that but will help me practically live out my calling and passions.  I hope to be challenged to pursue Christ in every aspect of my life, including my passions, and to continue growing in a community that will challenge and encourage me.

Like going on the race, I can’t do this alone. I need my community to once again prayerfully and financially send me. The total cost of this program is $6,300, not including plane tickets. I will write more on this later, but I am currently asking for $300. This would go towards my deposit, securing my position on the G42 team. If you are interested in partnering with me on this next adventure, feel free to contact me through this blog or by email: [email protected].

I am looking forward to this new adventure God is taking me on. Thank you for your support over this past year. I am blessed to have such an amazing team behind me.