You know those moments when you feel that tug to do something that’s going to put you out there? The moments that get your heart racing and intimidate you.  Maybe it was how you felt when God called you to the race, or when God called you to something scary in general.  Or maybe it was a moment with friends that left you having to make a choice between one thing or the other, the popular way or the road less traveled.  Whatever these moments are, we are all led to a crossroads.  We either choose to obey and trust or we choose not to. 


My whole life I’ve hated dancing.  Weddings, school dances, any time there was dancing involved I have always opted out.  I knew going into training camp that dancing would be involved.  It’s all over the race, so I knew at some point I’d have to get over myself and just do it.  So the moment came, multiple times, when I had to choose to dance.  The first time was in a squad dance-off.  Thankfully I was with a group of people so I didn’t have to go at it completely alone.  I felt silly, but all I can say is that I survived that day….and I was very glad when it was over!  The last night of training camp we had squad wars.  Squad wars involves a lot of dancing.  But something was different this time.  This time I WANTED to dance.  So I did, and I had FUN!  This has been one of the most memorable nights of training camp for me. 


I’ve been trying to look back on the change that happened in me during training camp that made me want to dance.  It all comes down to love.  During worship, we sang a lot of songs about God’s love.  In these moments, He took me to a place where He showed me His love for me.  I’ve jumped in the river of His love, and because of that, I believe that’s why I feel the freedom to dance.  I’ve gotten my feet out of the mud, said yes to His love and trust, and found the freedom that comes through that. 


Today I find myself craving a good dance party.  It feels so crazy for me to be saying that, but I truly believe it’s due to the freedom I’ve experienced.  My hope is that each and every one of you choose to trust God in whatever He has called you to, be it dancing or stepping into something new, and experience the freedom and love that He showers on us.  It’s fun and so refreshing to have the chains taken off!


“Praise His name with dancing” Psalm 149:3