I’ve been in America for about ten days now. While I am just beginning to process this whole year, I know that many of you want to know what it’s like being back in the United States. So without getting deep, here are some of the random thoughts I’ve had being back in America after spending a year in Asia…


  1. Wait. I can flush toilet paper now. Right. There have been many times where I’ve forgotten this and thrown my toilet paper in the garbage can. I have to remind myself almost every time that I can flush now.
  2. Customer service is weird. You ask me questions I can understand. I don’t have to point to what I want. I don’t need to use hand motions anymore.
  3. Is tap water safe to drink here?  I can just drink it. No worries. No filters. I don’t need a water budget anymore.
  4. Seatbelts are unnecessary. Really though. I feel so constrained. And if I survived in Asia on some pretty sketchy roads then I am fine here. I have to remind myself to put these on too.
  5. Where is everybody? Traveling alone is weird. It’s so quiet and boring. I look around the plane and recognize no one. This is such a drastic change going from a group of 40 taking up an entire section of a plane to flying solo.
  6. I want to be alone, but like with somebody. Alone time on the race was never really alone time. There was usually someone still in the room with you. You just had the unspoken agreement that you wouldn’t talk to each other. Since being home, I’ve found myself wanting alone time but also having someone there doing their own thing too.
  7. Crap, I don’t have my converter…oh wait. No converter needed. I could get used to this.
  8. I’ve got Korean Won or Japanese Yen…that’s it. Realizing the only currency I have on me is foreign currency. Not a penny or dime to be found. Also realizing that I prefer paying in cash.
  9. Can I just wear my race clothes? I really don’t want to wear my race clothes, but I miss not having so many choices when it comes to picking out what I’m going to wear each day. I take a long time to get ready in the morning, not because I’m doing my hair all nice or putting on makeup, but because I just sit there staring at my closet trying to decide. I’ve found myself still leaning towards some combination of five different shirts and two pairs of shorts.
  10. Where are my chopsticks? Being on the all-asia route, chopsticks were always an option. I find myself tempted to bring a pair with me wherever I go so that I have them to use. They are what’s comfortable now.
  11. I can understand everything! There is no other language. I understand everything the lady in front of me is saying. I feel like I’m eavesdropping on everyone’s conversations. I also can’t say how cute that kid is are how cool I think her hair is without someone turning to agree or thank me.