What a wild ride it has been leading up to training camp. My friend Sarah and I have been on the road for a little over a month playing music between Nebraska and Georgia.  We’ve traveled through about 6 states and played in churches, schools, youth groups, homeless shelters, ex-convict ministries, streets, bars, and coffee houses encouraging them and sharing the hope we have in Christ through our music.  What a time of growth it has been. We have seen God move and work in ways we didn’t expect it! Now, it’s crazy to think the time as already come for training camp!

Last night a girl on my squad (Karen Hall) put on a benefit concert to raise money for the trip. It worked out perfect for that to be Sarah and my last concert before training camp! Sarah, myself, a few of Karen’s friends from here played in the concert.  It was a night filled with talented musicians, great music, and worship and prayer.  It was beautiful.  A bunch of people had been on the world race before so I was able to hear some of their experiences and ask for some of their nuggets of wisdom. This is what they said:

Learn to be still in the midst of movement. 

One guy said that something is constantly going on and it’s hard to take time to just be alone with God. Learning to be still and rest in the midst of everything as it’s moving around you. 

Be open to criticism

Don’t be shut off if someone says something against you.  Take it with a grain of salt, take it before God, and let God do the refining. It’ll be better and a time of growth if you’re open than if you’re shut off to it. 

Be flexible and open to change

Things with change, teams will change, schedules will change. Be flexible and open. God’s in control and if someone changes then it’s for the better. 

I’m sure I will learn a lot more in training camp over the course of this next week.  Please pray for my team.

  • That we would be vulnerable and supportive of one another
  • That we would grow as a team encouraging each other in our relationships with Christ
  • That God would move us and equip and prepare us for this next season of our life! 
  • That we would love each other the way Christ loves us and laid down his life for us!