Want to know what God has been teaching me about lately?

Oh my goodness God loves me! He loves me so much! I am his beloved, I was created for his love. He knows exactly what makes me giddy and smiley. My month in Peru was all about God pouring his love all over me. He surrounded me with my favorite things: mountains, farm animals, wild flowers and soft green grass (I kind of see God in creation haha). But as much as he loves me, he wants me to love him in return. He likes smiling too, probably more than I do, and I want to make him smile! I want to be able to seek after him as much as he’s seeking after me! I want to know him MORE!

2 Timothy 1:7
“for God gave us a spirit not of fear or timidity
of power, love and self-control”
Acts 1:8
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you”
Our God is a god of power! There is no room for fear and timidity inside of him, his spirit chases it away. So if he gives us his own spirit to live inside of us, there is no room for fear or timidity inside of us either. Gosh it’s a hard thing to realize! My mind always tells me that I’m too small and shy for God to use me. He wants to give me power? Yeah right, he can’t use me… right? NO!  That’s a big fat lie! He wants to use every single one of us! He gave us all his spirit and he wants us all to use it. And when we do allow him to use us, he does amazing things! We just have to realize it and let him work!

“I give it all to you God, trusting that you’ll make something beautiful out of me.”
Will Reagan & the United Pursuit
God has been teaching me so much about trusting him… for everything. I’ve never been much of a worrier but he’s been showing me more and more that I need to give it all to him. I have to trust that my finances will come in, and that when he asks me to speak out he’ll give me the words, and even that my parents are doing alright at home. And the biggie? What am I going to do after this? Sometimes it seems crazy and scarry not to have a plan at all but we just have to give it all to God and trust that he’s in control. 
“I lean not on my own understanding, my life is in the hands of the maker of Heaven”
Will Reagan & the United Pursuit