First impressions are huge! The first impression usually
sets up the kind of relationship you will have with a person. Coming into
training camp, I was so nervous about the first impression I would make on my
team members and what my first impression would be of them. I was afraid that I
would become my usual shy self, overwhelmed and unable to make friends.

I was so wrong! I have never met a more beautiful, welcoming
group of people than V-squad. We have had an instant connection. I will never
forget our Tuesday night camping trip. After dinner, we spent time listening to
God whispering to us through His creation. That led to sharing, prayer and
worship. In this time, we were able to connect in ways I would never have
expected after such little time.

I have only known the people on my squad for five days but I
somehow feel like we are closer than some people I have known for years. I feel
like I am home with them, which is huge for me. It usually takes me months to
become good friends with people in a big group like this. I already feel like
these are my brothers and sisters and cannot wait to get to spend eleven months
with them.

With that said and all my silly worries discarded, I have to
say that the most memorable part of training camp has been the awesome first