It’s crazy to think that I have been
home from the World Race for almost a year now; nonetheless, it will be one year
on the 19th of November. 

This year has looked completely different than what I
was expecting.

As soon as I got home, I was ready to
leave again. I felt restless, discontent and all I could think about was the
next thing to do. However, every time I thought I found the “perfect thing” for
me, I became overwhelmed with a feeling that it wasn’t right, like I needed to
wait. I was trying everything I could to get away from home, while God actually
wanted me to be there. What? Why would God want me to hang around
Oklahoma? I don’t like Oklahoma that much. Obviously I was supposed to learn something in my time at home.

It took me a long time to figure that
out though. After a few months of choosing not to be satisfied in the place God
had me, it sort of clicked. Actually, I suppose my pastor gave a sermon that
thumped me on the head. It was on Philippians 4. You know, the big one that
includes the famous “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” Well,
it also includes verse 11, which says: “… for I have learned in whatever
situation I am to be content.”  Maybe I
never noticed it before or I never really needed to notice it before, I don’t
know but I became very aware of it when my pastor spoke on it.

I had been spending all this precious
time choosing being discontent, while I had nothing to be discontent about. I
felt super convicted about my attitude and decided that things needed to
change. It took a little while before I actually became happy where God has me
for this season, it was just so boring! But as soon as I became pleased
to be where I am, when I stopped looking forward to the next thing and
actually started living here now, God started to move in ways that I hadn’t
been able to see while I was choosing to be restless.

Now, it’s time to start dreaming
again! God let me know that it’s finally time for me to go!

What’s next? 

Stay tuned for the next blog!