I want them all to know about LIFE. About abundance, freedom, confidence in the Holy Spirit.
There’s so much I don’t want them to miss out on…

I was thinking yesterday about how much I love my life, weird I know. It's something I never thought I would say. It is so beautiful and it has been such a gift. It’s a never-ending adventure, only because I live it that way though. I have always felt a tug in my heart urging me to seek more. Yes, sometimes I end up in the wrong direction but I never quit seeking. I’ve always wanted more, to experience and see more. To love and feel more. To not miss out. To know God more.  I could just as easily have lived a life where I sat by and waited for life to show up at my doorstep but I know that would never happen. That’s not the way it works. Besides, even if it was I certainly don’t have that kind of patience.

There have been things in my life that have tried to stop me, things that have tried to hold me back. But no matter how low I’ve been or how bad things get I always bounce back. I can somehow always seem to muster up enough strength and drive to keep going. I have Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit working in my life to thank for that.

Like I was born with a stamp on me or something and ever since I was old enough to see it I’ve been searching for whoever it is that stamped me.

He stamped me. I’m His masterpiece.

If that’s the case then He must really love me. Through my desire to know him and seek him I have had quite the adventure. Life has been far from dull and boring. It’s crazy to say that I’ve found IT, that I’ve found LIFE. A life of happiness, freedom, and joy that can never be taken from me and I’m only 21! Some people spend their entire lives searching or waiting but never find IT. That’s because they’ve been looking in all the wrong places. If you feel that same sense or long for more just look towards the one who stamped you because He’s consumed with making sure you live the life that he intended. He loves you so much that as you seek him he fills you up. He gives you adventure. He gives you good things like joy and peace of mind, body, and soul. Just because He loves you, and because He knows you better than anyone else. After all, you are his masterpiece.