Training Camp Sneak Peek:
There’s something happening here, something difficult to describe. So I will make it as simple as possible by breaking it down into much simpler terms. I had no idea what to expect coming to training camp, but what I can say now is that I have never ever in my life felt the way I do now. So to give you future racers an idea of what could happen to you here are some of the things I experienced:
            I have never been so disturbed by injustices occurring around the world.
            I have never experienced peace the way I have this week.
            The freedom Christ talks about in the bible has become a reality for me.
            I have never danced the way have I have this week.
            I have never had so much confidence in my identity as a daughter of Christ.
            I have never felt so worthy to receive love that is pure and Godly.
            God showed up whenever I spoke to Him.
            I was challenged in ways I never thought would be challenging to me and growth happened.
There is so much more detail I could get into but then that leaves no surprises for you future racers. One thing I can say with more assurance than ever is Christ is the fullness of God in bodily form and I too have that fullness in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10). If all believers are anointed this way imagine what would happen if we brought our anointingness together and did something with it. The Kingdom would come here on earth just as it is in heaven. We should be Jesus to people wherever we are. As I heard a speaker say this week, this isn’t charismatic religion it’s the way life should be. That spoke to me. I guess that explains the yearning I have in my heart to get up and just go. To go out into this world to heal the broken and love the lost in Jesus’ name!

Training Camp Sneak Peek:
There’s something happening here, something difficult to describe. So I will make it as simple as possible by breaking it down into much simpler terms. I had no idea what to expect coming to training camp, but what I can say now is that I have never ever in my life felt the way I do now. So to give you future racers an idea of what could happen to you here are some of the things I experienced:
            I have never been so disturbed by injustices occurring around the world.
            I have never experienced peace the way I have this week.
            The freedom Christ talks about in the bible has become a reality for me.
            I have never danced the way have I have this week.
            I have never had so much confidence in my identity as a daughter of Christ.
            I have never felt so worthy to receive love that is pure and Godly.
            God showed up whenever I spoke to Him.
            I was challenged in ways I never thought would be challenging to me and growth happened.
There is so much more detail I could get into but then that leaves no surprises for you future racers. One thing I can say with more assurance than ever is Christ is the fullness of God in bodily form and I too have that fullness in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10). If all believers are anointed this way imagine what would happen if we brought our anointingness together and did something with it. The Kingdom would come here on earth just as it is in heaven. We should be Jesus to people wherever we are. As I heard a speaker say this week, this isn’t charismatic religion it’s the way life should be. That spoke to me. I guess that explains the yearning I have in my heart to get up and just go. To go out into this world to heal the broken and love the lost in Jesus’ name!