NOTHIN puts the fun in fundraising like fundraisers, amirite?!

SO excited to announce my first 3 (!!!!) fundraisers for the World Race! All of the proceeds from these fundraisers will go straight to my fundraising goal.



Probably my most favorite and the easiest way…. BUY A T-SHIRT! There are two options: Comfort Colors t-shirts and baseball tees! I will be selling the Comfort Colors for $22 and the baseball tees for $25!  If you need them shipped, add $3 to your total! If you would like to purchase one to help me reach my fundraising goal, let me know what size/how many + the color by messaging me or commenting on this post! Payment can be cash, check, or venmo!


2. Adopt-a-box! 

Here is a picture of a GREAT looking grid! Each box represents a dollar amount, you can choose to sponsor that box by clicking on the “donate!” button at the top, and entering your donation of that amount! If you don’t care about your donation being tax-deductible, feel free to venmo me. If you choose box #30, you will pledge $30, box #2, $2, and so on. Once you have done so, comment or message me and I will black out the box representing that number! Once all the boxes are claimed I will have completed my first fundraising goal of $5,000! HOW WILD AND CRAZY! Feel free to pick as many or few boxes as you want + make them personal to you! Your favorite sports number, anniversary, birthday, etc.! 

  Adopt-a-box + change for change!


3. Change for Change!

Join me in intentionally praying and serving the 11 countries I will be heading to: Bosnia/Serbia, Albania, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. You can choose whichever country you want, and I have mason jars that I will mail you with the country of your choice on it + some information about your country! There is a picture of one with the adopt-a-box grid! Fill it with any loose change/bills, and then mail it on back to me whenever it is full! All donations will go toward my trip + how cool you can learn about a country I will be going to while supporting me?!


 As always, feel free to share this with anybody you think would like it! I am so beyond words thankful to anybody who has a part in this, near or far, big or small! You all make such a difference to me!