I am sitting in a coffee shop now, at a table against the wall. I am listening to some tunes and people watching, while trying to be productive. Trying to finish the to-do list and get everything done and answer all of the questions and respond to all the emails. 

I am sipping on a cold-brew coffee– it is pretty good and I am just about done with it. I just started thinking about how cold-brew coffee is good because that is how it was made. It was made to be cold, iced and refreshing. It also takes longer, about 12-24 hours, and has a mellow, more rounded out taste. 

But what about hot coffee? When that gets cold, you just kind of look at it and don’t do much, because it doesn’t taste the best anymore. Hot coffee wasn’t brewed to be cold, it was brewed to drink pretty quickly after it was made, still piping hot.

Lately, I feel like I have been seeing this journey as cold coffee. I don’t really want it anymore. I just look at it, not sure what to do. Frustrated and feeling pulled in a zillion directions. I feel stagnant and just flat-out unequipped. Not sure why I chose it, and not sure if I should have.

Throughout this whole thing, I am challenging myself and praying to be as present and as real-life as possible. I don’t want to paint a picture of everything being sunsets and happiness– because things are challenging, and we are all imperfect humans. This is hard and at times not fun, and I want to be able to freely admit that. 

So, today feels a lot like cold coffee, and I think that’s okay.