It took my awhile to finally sit down and write about training camp.  As I sit in the library at ASU (go rams), listening to some Coldplay, memories of training camp are starting to flood to my mind.  It is so hard to describe training camp to the people back home that I love dearly, simply because they didn't experience it with me.  
The Lord wrecked me.  He stretched me.  He then restored me.
I have dealt with pride for awhile now.. and I continue to.  There are so many things in this life that I feel entitled to, that I feel like i deserve.  [This is where the Lord wrecked me] I learned that it is good to be wrecked.  Good? Yes, good.  My Father loves me.  He created me in His image.  I don't deserve this love, but He freely has given it to me.  Being wrecked is painful, but the end result is becoming more like Jesus. HUMBLE.  
                        Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.
                           Better to be lowly in spirit and among the oppressed
                        than to share punder with the proud.
                                                 Proverbs 16:18-19
This is the scripture the Lord gave me as I was broken before Him.  Pride is destructive.  It is destrcutive towards my walk with Jesus and the people who I love and am going to love on the race.  My spirit should be in the place of humility and desiring to serve others in whatever, even if it is hard.
Which leads to the Lord stretching me, and boy did He.  I had to learn how to serve my squad.  To lay my pride down and say yes to serving them.  Give up my food.  My tent.  My clothes.  My toothbrush.  My deodarant.  My everything.  The Lord quickly showed me that none of that was MINE.  It was to GIVE to others.  To show others LOVE. 

Training camp was one of the best weeks of my life.  46 people who were complete strangers to me, aren't anymore.  I never thought that a group of 46 people would ever unite so quickly, but we did.  We are the body of Christ, going out to the nations to share Jesus.  If I had to choose, I would choose this group to do it with. 

Please pray: 
for funds to be met.  Not with just me, but for everyone on P Squad.  
for the unity to continue.