Our squad landed in India on April 1st.. two days ago. Coming to India I was slightly nervous. There were many factors playing into my nerves. The main one being the spiritual oppression I have heard almost everyone tell me that we were going to face.  During debreif I was constantly praying for the Lord to go before my squad and team. That when Jesus was spoken people were drawn to His name.

We arrived in Hyderabad, India, like stated before, and a family was waiting for us.  Us, being me and another girl who needed medical attention. Mike and Allison Mamick is the family that selflessly said yes to me and three of my squadmates staying with them until we were seen by the doctors. I have known this family for a day and I am completely moved by how giving and loving they are to us.

Mike told us that Wednesday night he was going to have a BIble study with a few men from his church.  Once Wednesday hit all of my squadmates went downstairs to attend this BIble study.  I decided that I wasn't going to go and that I would stay upstairs and rest… The Lord had other plans.  I felt the Lord saying go downstairs.. and i hesitantly did. There were about 8 men sitting around the dining room table laughing and eating pizza. Mike started talking about some of them being worship leaders.  So, of course, that ended up with them singing.  Blessed be the Lord is what they sang for us. I have NEVER felt the Lord more present than I did at that moment. God was there. There was instant satisfaction within my soul… It was beautiful.

We went on with the Bible study called "The Disciple's Cross."  These men have such a heart for Jesus. They are so dedicated to making Jesus known in India. I was blown away. Every couple of minutes I just wanted to cry. I was basking in the presence of the Lord with this family and men that I have just met.

A quote was said by one of the men, John Kandru, and it hit me like a ton of bricks.  "I tell people to go get me a coke and they know exactly what it is. A company that's been around for only 100 years and that know what it is. But I speak about Jesus and they have no clue who He is. I was so burdened about that."

I know India is known for there worship of many gods. But I am speaking this right now. Jesus reigns in India. He is here and He will be made known.  "God loves India" another quote by John. Jesus is doing something HUGE in this place. I am excited to not only watch it happen but be a part of it.

God is good. and through me having to stay back and go to the doctor I got to have the best experience with Jesus that I have yet to have. Not only on this race but ever. 

Jesus reigns in India yall. 

Be Blessed.