Very first blog ever. Hopefully this suffices for you guys.

To fill you in on what's going on in my little head right about now.
First off, I am so excited to have this oppurtunty to do this!  I have never done anything like this. 
-being away from the people that love me for 11 months
-being with complete strangers for 11 months
-going to 11 different countries that i have never been too
-packing everything i need for 11 months in one backpack
-graduating from college (YES!)

…. these are all SO exicintg right?! 

well let's be real.. I am a little nervous.  ALOT nervous.  Somewhat fearful as well.  Fearful of the unknown, of not being accepted, of being completely independent.  But what I do know is perfect love casts out all fear.  Another thing that I am absolutely sure of, is this is exactly what I need to be doing.  So right now, I am asking that you pray.  Pray that the Lord casts my anxiety away.  That my heart is prepared.  And that nothing but excitement overwhelms me.

Thanks for reading.. until next time.