Hey Everyone!


If you are looking at this, then I already thank you for taking the time and having interest in being part of this journey with me. Whether it’s saying a prayer, financially supporting me or even just curiosity that brought you here, I’m glad that you’re interest is peaked and that I can hopefully share a little bit more about myself with you.


So here are a few things that you should know about me…


1. Family is everything to me. I’m a daddy’s girls through and through, but my mom is the real hero of our family. I am the oldest of three girls. Megan (21) and Casey (16) are the best sister I could’ve asked for. Yes, we tend to still tend to drive each other nuts from time to time but I also have the most fun with them! We love to go on road trips, hikes, yoga, tubing at the lake, taking funny pictures, and the occasional dance party. I couldn’t do life without them!


2. My heart lives in the mountains. As a former national park ranger, it’s no surprise that it’s easiest for me to connect with Lord and feel his presence when I’m out in nature. When I’m out hiking, snowshoeing, skiing or sitting next to a lake or river, I automatically feel a great sense of peace and fulfillment. I am always in awe of the splendor of his creation.



3. I have the travel bug. I probably wouldn’t be going on this journey if I didn’t have the passion to explore new places. I have been to Mexico, Canada, Trinidad & Tobago, Puerto Rico, Brazil, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and multiple place in the US. I am beyond excited to go to every country in South America. I love exploring new landscapes as well as immersing myself in new cultures. This is something that truly lights a fire within my soul. 


4. I love trying new things that push my comfort zones. Whether it’s eating a scorpion, going sky diving or pushing my physical abilities, I will almost always try something at least once. It’s usually really scary, because taking risks does not come naturally to me… but pushing my limits has panned out for the best. 


5. If I wasn’t going on the world race I would… 

  • Get a Puppy
  • Binge watch Grey’s Anatomy and the Harry Potter movies
  • Spend way to much time practicing my handstands

So, as you can see it’s probably good that I’m going to save myself from the above bad decisions 😉

Ultimately, if I didn’t go on the world race I would feel a void in my life. There’s nothing that I am more confident in, than that this is God’s plan for my life. Even though it can be terrifying and really daunting to be traveling for a year of my life, it feels completely right with my soul. I’m ready to see where God leads me on this journey and am excited to grow through this process.