Since we wrapped up Asia last week, here are some of my favorite sayings/memories/things from living life in Asia for 3 months!
- “Take some rest” aka the actual best sentence in the English language
- “Today you eat America lunch” *walks in to see a table full of bread*
- “Oh no teacher, you look fat in this photo”
- *shares the gospel* “oh so you are atheist?”
- Tesco Lotus aka the promise land
- 7/11
- “You try this food” “oh okay, what is it?” “Chicken blood”
- *gecko noises*
- Squatty potties
- 10K run, 5K *FUN* run
- *strange Buddhist praying over a loud speaker 24 hours a day*
- “Ok we will begin at 6pm” *everyone arrives atleast 30 minutes later*
- “Do you have a boyfriend?”
- “What do you do in your free time?” “Facebook messenger”
- *every English word on every item of clothing is spelled wrong*
- “I’m from kentucky, have you ever heard of it?” *looks confused* “KFC?” “Ahhhh yes, you like KFC?”
- “Today we will have a fashion show. You will dress in traditional Thai clothes and look beautiful.” “Oh what is the fashion show for?” “It is library event to show books”
- *everyone and their mom gets tattoos and piercings in Chiang Mai*
- *texting ministry host at 10pm* “Some people are not feeling well, how should we go to the doctor tomorrow?” “Ok I will send someone now”
- Nescafé & dewberrys babyyyy
In Asia the Lord walked me through a lot of personal growth. I learned to give grace freely to both myself and others. I walked through what it looks like to lead a strong group of women. I walked through a wholeeee lot of redemption in parts of my testimony that I hadn’t fully processed and sat in before. I learned a lot about what it looks like to have fun with life. I said some hard goodbyes and some sweet hellos. I dreamed with the Lord. I learned what it looks like for me personally to drink deep from the well and find my rest in Him. I hit my bottom but the Lord met me there and I learned to trust His voice in those places.
With that being said, my squad and I arrived safely in Africa sometime last week. There’ll be more to come soon, but we’re staying at the AIM base in Nsoko, Swaziland, everything’s great, we’re here safe and loving life in this beautiful country. We don’t have WiFi very often though, so you can probably expect multiple blogs at once and probably only around once a month 🙂
I love y’all a whole whole lot and can’t wait to tell you so much more in person in 2 and a half months!