“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.”


I opened to this psalm this week and the Lord used it to rock my world. Isn’t it crazy how He does that? How he can use scripture that’s literally been written for centuries, should be old news by now, but He can still make it alive and fresh and new every day? Wow.




I read this psalm on Wednesday as I opened my bible honestly not expecting anything because I had no idea where I was even going to read. Why am I still unexpectant of scripture even though I know first hand how the Lord can use it? I have no idea but here we are, and the Lord showed up and showed me once again how much He loves me and how much He sees my heart and wants to fulfill my needs. He’s pretty great like that.


Lately (the whole race honestly, but especially lately) the Lord has been walking me through what it looks like to stand on His promises. To trust Him solely because He’s trustworthy, to believe them solely because they are true, and to base my life solely on that concrete belief. 


So here we are. Me still living my life in a fleshly battle every day because hey, I’m human. Y’all understand. Lately it’s been a battle for me to remember and trust that I am who the Lord says I am, not who my experience says that I am. That I am a woman of peace when I don’t feel peace. That I am a woman of joy when I don’t feel joy. That I am a woman wholly and dearly loved when I don’t feel wholly and dearly loved. That I am a woman of compassion and grace and kindness when I don’t feel like being compassionate or gracious or kind. That I am these things solely because my creator says that I am, no matter how many times I mess it up, no matter whether I feel like believing it and walking in it or not, no matter what anyone else says about me or how people who are human just like me might make me feel. No matter what. 


It’s true because the God of the universe says that it’s true, there is no “if” clause in there. 


Enter the words of psalm 125:1: “Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be moved, but abides forever.”


I wrote these words in my journal around that verse:


“Praise God that this is a promise not dependent on me. The only “if” part of this is “trust in the Lord” and even that isn’t really dependent on me. He’s proven that He’s trustworthy over and over and over again. He’s so good, who am I to not trust Him? He’s made it so easy.”


Thank you Jesus that I am who you say I am every single moment of every day. Thank you that you’re the best promise keeper. Thank you that I can build my life on the firm foundation of your love and that your word says that because of that, I cannot be moved.