“I just really need to process….”

“Words of life”

“Just speak life over yourself”

“Have you asked the Lord on it?”

“In the name of jesus”

“Are you in the victim circle?”

“Go into your throne room”

“God is still on the throne”

“Thanks God”

“Yeah, that’s a good word”

“I think it’s fine”

“What’s your enneagram?”

“I can’t believe this”

“I’m not saying this as an excuse, but I’m a… (insert enneagram number)”

“When’s the last time you pooped?”

“Did you drink the nitrate water?”

“This is egregious”

“Wanna play settlers?”

“We’re out of eggs”

“I can’t believe you’ve done this” *in British accent*

“I think I’m in the B zone”

“In guat/asia/month… “

“I just feel like I’m in a season of…”

“I just really want to stay present”

“What is the Lord teaching you right now?”

“The power’s out again, let’s go look at the stars”

“Will someone go turn the water back on?”

“What are you doing after the race?”

“Text caleb, we need to go buy more electricity”

“Has anyone told David we’re out of…?”

“Do I have time to workout/shower before dinner?”

“Did the power just go out or did someone turn the lights off?”

“Yay it’s 70 degrees I can wear my sweatshirt/flannel/long sleeve”

“This is the first time I’ve washed my jeans in 3 months”

“Paint party at 8, bring your water colors!”

“AbsoLUTEly not”


“Big moves”

“Amen and amen”

“Wow TEA”

“Can I brush my teeth with this water?”

“The cost of being a disciple”

“From glory to glory”

“Is there wifi?”

“What’s the wifi password?”

“Can you make eggs in a rice cooker?”

“Is your airdrop on?”

“Face of Jesus”


“Dream with the Lord”

“Remember those 10 baht dipped cones?”

“I really want something sweet…” “want a fried PB&J?”

“Will you pick me up a bag of niknaks?”

“I gotta go have Jesus time”

“I just really hear the Lord saying…”

“Love ya, mean it”

“Will you check if my shorts are dress code?”

“Would BOB approve?”

“What’s your chocolate drizzle?”

“Wanna have a one on one?”

“What are we doing for team time?”

“We need to have conflict resolution”

“Well this is awkward”

“You just really have to choose in/buy in”

*straightens hair, puts on mascara* “I just really needed to feel like a real human again”

“What’s the first thing you’re gunna eat when you go home?”

“At PSL…”

“Don’t worry ladies” 

“Wow look at that sunset”

“Will you airdrop me a movie?”

“I see a vision of you in a field of wildflowers”

“The bride of Christ”

“Were all a part of the body”

“What’s the exchange rate again?”

“I’ve had diarrhea for 4 days”

“How many strains of salmonella did you have again?”

“How many people got tattoos this time?”

“What enneagram do you think the marvel characters are?”

“What enneagram was Jesus?”

“Do you think there’s food in heaven?”

“Jesus, what a guy”

“Do you think that’s a defense mechanism?”

“Before the race…”

“We have the authority to speak *insert literally whatever* over ourselves”

“We’re a squad of honor”