I’ve been meaning to write a blog, but ever since coming home things just haven’t felt the same as they did on the Race. I haven’t been journaling, praying, or spending time with the Lord as much as I did before.

I had planned to write about the trip home and how I felt landing back in Michigan after 11 months of travel. I wanted to write about how good it is to be back home with family. But God has given me something else.

Yesterday marks exactly one month that I’ve been back in America. And now I find myself back in Gainesville, Georgia, the same exact place this all started little over a year ago at Training Camp. But I’m different now. Things have changed. I’ve seen and experienced so much, and my worldview has opened wider.

I came into this week of Project Searchlight a little unsure of what to expect. I was so excited to see my squad again, and I was praying for God to show me clearly what steps He wants me to take next.

He has given me direction, but He’s done even more than I asked for or imagined! He has revealed so much deep truth to me and made things clear that I didn’t even realize were clouded in my mind. I want to share some of this truth with you.

My life is not about me. People ask me all the time, “So what’s next?” It’s so easy to be focused on MY future, MY plans, what’s next in the story of MY life. 


But it’s not about me.

My story is really just a small part of God’s story. It’s not mine at all, it’s His! And now I realize that maybe my plans aren’t as important as I thought. No matter where I am, no matter what I’m doing, I can still fulfill my life purpose: to be God’s daughter and bring glory to Him.

Yes, He’s given me passions and dreams, which I’m discovering more clearly this week. I want to move to Japan and bring His light there. But my dream is really just a small part of God’s dream to reach all the nations with His love. He’s shown me a small bit of His heart and I want to follow Him and partner with what He’s already doing.

This really has been an amazing, life-changing week! I’m so thankful for the chance to spend time with my friends and hear so much from God. For those of you Racers who may be reading this and thinking of coming to PSL, please come, it’s totally worth it! Come with an open heart and God will speak to you.




So… what’s next? I am hoping to move to Japan this coming January. The plans aren’t one hundred percent worked out, but God is faithful, and if it’s a dream He’s given me, I trust He will make it happen.

This will most likely be my last WR blog. This year has been a crazy crazy adventure, but I know God’s got more in store and this is just the beginning! I am hoping to start my own blog… when I do I will post the link through this blog so you can continue keeping up with me if you want to!

Thank you so much for following my journey. God bless!