May has been a great month! Here is a little glimpse of what our time in Vietnam looked like.

We taught English at a school in Danang. During the afternoons we played English games with the students, and in the evenings we helped teach ESL classes (English as a Second Language).

We planned an outing to the park, with all the students from the ESL classes. We played games, sang songs, and had fun with them!

We also got to help with preparation for their first ever graduation ceremony. We helped the students practice, and got to be a part of the ceremony.

For our adventure day our last weekend in Vietnam, two of my teammates spent the night on Cham Island! Our friend Kelly went with us as our tour guide and translator. We took a 20 minute boat ride out to the island, went snorkeling, swam in perfectly clear water, ate delicious sea food, and camped on the beach. It rained that night and we had to drag our tents under the roof of the restaurant, but it was a fun experience and so relaxing!!

Adventures at Asia Park, an amusement park in Danang… we spent an evening riding rides, roller coasters, and one of the tallest ferris wheels in Asia!

This month we spent LOTS of time at the beach! It was about a 10 minute bike ride from our hotel, and a great place to go for peaceful walks and a swim. One morning I got up to see the sunrise on the beach! It was one of those moments where I knew beyond a doubt that there is a Creator.

Our ministry gave us bikes to ride as transportation around the city… it was a little challenging due to the traffic, but once we got the hang of riding on the road along with the traffic, it was great! I took this picture from a taxi, but you can see how crazy the traffic is! 

We had a lot of time this month to make friends outside of our scheduled ministry. I met a lady on the beach, and we were able to go out to dinner with her. We also made friends with the ladies who worked at our hotel – one of them took me out to get noodles for breakfast! It was great making friendships with locals. This is a picture is us having lunch with our friend on the island!

Vietnamese food is so good!

Danang is a pretty cool city!!! This picture was taken from one of the many bridges.

Our ministry had a retreat for their staff and students, and we got to go along with them! It was great to spend time with them.


We had an ice skating party with our squad at the mall! It was a lot of fun and it reminded me a little of home even though I’ve never been on an indoor skating rink before!

Painting…. Lots of painting. We painted murals of the creation story up 6 flights of stairs!!


 What’s next? We are currently beginning our month in the Philippines!! Thanks for following my journey 🙂