Last month in El Salvador, while visiting around, we had the privilege to spend some time with every team on our squad. This was not a normal thing and we have been so blessed as leaders to pour into our squad this way. As many of you know one of my main priorities on my squad is to pour into and call up the 10 men God has given me. This has been amazing and I had a great time with the men every time I got to visit a new team.

But…because of the number of men and women we have on our squad there is an oddity called “The all women’s team”. Now I wouldn’t call them the black sheep team of the squad because they aren’t outcasts, but I look at them more like the crazy uncle team. The team that is just as much a part of the family but sometimes acts a little crazy, like at the family reunion when he says that awkward thing that everyone is thinking but doesn’t have the guts to say and you don’t know what to do with them (maybe that was a little too far).

This was the last team we had to visit and I was a little unsure about visiting an all women’s team, not to mention their 5 contacts Jenny, Bea, Susie, Amy, and Cindy(to the right) which pushed the count up to me and 14 women in the same house. As soon as I got to the house I could see there was something different. Drama, gossip, image obsession and other woman stuff that is “expected” by the world just didn’t exist. Instead they were filled with the Spirit, encouragement, prophecy, and true beauty.

One thing that I pray for when I visit new teams is that God would give me the supernatural ability to sense the spiritual climate as soon as I walk into a place. When I walked in I could just sense that whatever had been going on that month just worked. It just flowed. There was a sense of unity between contacts and team members that went deeper than daily ministry. Before too long I was sucked right in to what God was doing and it was great.

The 4 days I was at their ministry I felt more like a man than I had the rest of the month (except for the one hair treatment that I got, but you should feel my hair now!). The way they showed me respect, spoke prophetic and encouraging words, desired my opinion, let me lead, and treated me like the man that God wanted me to be not just the man that I was. In fact, none of the contacts even called me Allan, they just called me “Jesus” but they all mentioned it wasn’t just because of the obvious physical similarities (that people seem to be so sure Jesus had) but because of who I acted like. Wow, what an honor!

To be honest, one of my concerns for the all women’s team is that they wouldn’t have as many opportunities  to learn how to treat and honor men like the rest of the teams. I was completely blown away, however, at how much this didn’t seem to affect them at all. The 5 contacts I mentioned earlier were incredible women of God and so many times I caught myself thinking “where did these women come from?” especially since they were from the ages of 19-23. The power and truth that came from these seemingly quiet and gentle women could bring any man to his knees and without a doubt will one day do the same for nations.

As a squad leader, I really strain to create environments that will foster growth and going deeper into relationship with God, but walking into this group of women and feeling so pushed and encouraged towards God really got me thinking. As much as I want to facilitate growth could it be that all they really need is to be filled with the Spirit? When it came down to it, that’s really what made the difference. There was no rational reason as to why these women were so beyond their years in wisdom, prophecy, experience, Godliness etc except that they knew the Spirit and spoke with His voice.
For the women:
Ladies…showing respect, calling out a man’s identity in his Father, serving others, and letting other men lead even if it means sacrificing your own desires are things we as men need and are things that will completely change a generation and the world, but please don’t forget that the true changing power in all of this can only come from being filled with the Spirit. Where did these women come from? Well…the obvious answer is from El Salvador, but deeper and truer answer is from the Savior Jesus Christ and the Spirit that raised him from the dead that now lives in us.
Future wife…your bar has been raised.