You may be wondering…who exactly is Allan going to be working with while he’s gone for a year? Well God has blessed me with some amazing individuals from all over the country that have the same heart for the Gospel and the same passion for seeing God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. God has uniquely put us together for a reason and given us the team name “Rooted 1930″!
   When were trying to come up with a name for our team, we wanted one that would convey our focus on being rooted in God’s Word and his command all the while bearing the fruit and taking part in the work that he had in store for us by being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s calling. After a few different verses were discussed, one of the girls pulled out a note card from her Bible with 2 Kngs 19:30 and it said,
 “And the survuving remnant of the house of Judah shall again take root downward and bear fruit upward” (2 Kings 19:30)
Now this verse itself is pretty cool as it portrays the idea of first rooting your faith in God and then doing hi work and bearing his fruit, but after reading the entire chapter of 19 it just keeps getting better…
   To paraphrase: The King of Judah, Hezekiah, was under immense pressure from the dominant King of Assyria to give up their riches in order to guarantee  thier safety. King Hezekiah lost faith and gave the king all of the silver in the temple and even stripped the gold off of God’s house. As a result, the king of Assyria mocked Judah and blasphemed God as he compared them with other nations who said that their would save them but failed. When Hezekiah heard this he tore his clothes and repented and prayed, ” So now o Lord our God, save us, please fom his hand THAT ALL THE KINGDOMS OF THE EARTH MAY KNOW THAT YOU O LORD ARE GOD ALONE” 2 Kings 19:19.
   God heard his cry and Isaiah came and prophesied the king of Assyria’s fall, and told the people that for two yearsthey could not reap and plant, but only live on faith of what the Lord gives them. Then on the third year they could plant, take root, and bear fruit. In verse 31 it says “The zeal of the Lord will do this“. This is our praye, that God would be the beginning, middle and the end to everything we do as his zeal will work through us!