Let’s see where did I leave everyone hanging…oh yes!
So as many of you know I have know been able to follow God’s call into Europe, the place where I felt he had been calling me for over a year. As I mentioned in the last blog, I didn’t know to much about my next steps after David’s Tent, the worship conference I went to in South England. I’ll have to admit I cut it pretty close. I think it was about a couple days into the conference and I still had no idea what I was going to be doing come the end of the weekend.
If I told you all of the crazy connections I think this blog would be a little long so I’ll try to make it short. I have been loved and housed by some wonderful people of the church here in London and somehow my desire for worship has led me to the opportunity to work for a worship event with BURN 247, a network of prayer and worship houses all over the world.

Specifically we are putting together a 30 day
BURN so that the entire olympics is covered by nonstop prayer and worship as the Presence of God fills London.
Crazy huh? For once in my life the whole world is coming to me and I can just stay where I am. No flights, 40 hour bus rides, huge bags to carry, or crazy languages (well almost). The whole world will be in London and God is going to move!
While this is incredibly exciting and I’m sure you will hear more about it, I would like to share with you a small season that God put me through. You see coming here to London has been one of the strangest seasons of my life. I didn’t know what it was but something hit me about my second week here.
I started to feel very unsettled and all I really wanted to do was leave, escape, just keep moving. Even though I had been praying for a place to put my feet down and invest a little longer, when I began to get it I didn’t know what to do. I finally realized that change had become somewhat of a comfortzone or even an idol. I didn’t really think the Race would do that to me but it’s testimony to how anything can become the “norm” if we give it time, good or bad. A few times I was so close to buying a plane ticket somewhere else just to continue my “tour” of what God is doing around Europe. I knew he was going to stop me at some point I just didn’t think it was going to be this soon.

I just moved in to a beautiful old English home in East London and if I stay there till mid august (as planned) it will be the longest I’ve stayed in any one place in almost 2 years (I think second after that is Kenya and then Nashville)! While moving has affected me, I think what is most impactful is the people you have around when you are moving. Being on the Race and then Squad Leading this has been incredible and I’ve never been lacking of a friends, a title or position, community, or love. London has been a bit different however.
For a couple weeks God was really slowing me down. Even though I had freinds in London I didn’t have anyone who really knew me, I didn’t have any title to fall under, and I didn’t have position where people were expecting me to do anything. I’ll have to admit it was quite freeing, but God really did some purifying and I realized for the first time if I didn’t actually believe I was who God says I was then I was just a nobody walking the streets of 8 million people.

The spiritual climate here is plagued by the idea that if you’re not DOING something than you’re not BEING someone moreso than I’ve ever seen a city. Pretty deep huh? I spent quite a few days really wondering what the heck I was doing. thoughts like “You got a college degree just to be sitting here alone in a park?” or “You could have gone to seminary by now and have a great job!” began to creep in (ok not so much the one about seminary, that’s just kind of funny, but it was a thought) It took me awhile but I finally was able to enjoy my nothingness for a little while. I spent a lot of days talking to God more than anyone else and had nothing to show for it other than what I knew God thought about me. when I thought about taking some time to talk or minister to someone I had no excuses because I had no plans. What a glorious things to learn! Plus me and my guitar have gotten very close!
It’s safe to say I’m back in the swing of things working with the Olympic burn, and I’m even back into leadership. But these last couple weeks my intimacy with my Father, the Living God, have been incredible. I’m kind of afraid but I almost want to ask for another more prolonged season like the one I had. But we’ll see what he brings my way!
Sorry about the random pics, just some of my favs so far here in England!