So guys, I am officially on the World Race!! So much time and planning and praying and people’s crazy generous support has gone into this. I am so thankful for each and everyone of you who have helped get me here, and the fact that God is crazy cool and gave me this opportunity.

This post will be all over the place but I just wanted to give an update on what has gone down in this past week. So thank you for bearing with me and I promise these will be a little more topic oriented in the future:)

Friday I woke up at 2am and headed to the airport with my 40lb backpack (how can so few shirts and pants weigh so much?!!) and wonderful family. We said some pretty hard goodbyes and I was off. After a plane change and several delays, I was finally on my way to Georgia! My team and I spent 3 days in a hotel going over last minute safety details, worshipping, and making grilled cheese sandwiches with an iron and foil (works pretty well actually, who knew). 

Monday night we stayed up re-packing (and trying to drop whatever we didn’t need) and headed to the airport around 2am. Our trip had officially begun! We flew out of Atlanta to Florida to Columbia to Ecuador. We arrived at our host home around 3am Wednesday morning. We were sleep deprived big time, but that makes everything funny and laughter is a blessing on long travel days when you are trying to lug a impossibly heavy bag around and not miss any flight:)

We are living at this really cool home (all 48 of us, it is a little crowded:) in Quito, Ecuador. It overlooks the city and has a beautiful court yard and three dogs. My team of 8 girls is awesome. We all work together at this ministry sight called Pan de Vida which supplies food, education, and training cooking or sewing to many Ecuadorians. The place is spotless and warm and probably one of my favorite ministry sights I have ever seen. I’ll try to take pictures of it soon! I work 5 days a week there, serving food, cleaning, and loving on kids. We take a 40 min bus ride there every morning. Public transport is crazy here! Our bus driver the other day was younger than me (literally. Not a joke) and they have no concept of how to drive without slamming on the brakes every few seconds. My team thinks it’s fun and we actually enjoy our crazy drive to ministry in the mornings:) 

God is clearly working here in Ecuador. The people connected to our ministries are so selfless and hard working, bringingKingdom to earth and showing people Jesus’ love by their actions. In a country I never thought I would ever go to, I have fallen in love. The people here, work to be done, natural beauty, and culture is so cool. I am so excited for the next two months I get to be here!! I promise to take more photos soon!