I don’t know what it’s like yet to be a wife and a mother, but I’ve found it so natural to throw myself completely into the roles the Father has given me.  

Daughter. Sister. Friend. Mentor. 

Fraternidade Beach… All to myself!  

It comes from a deep desire to serve Him and to love those around me with excellence, but it is awfully tempting to draw my worth from these things and dedicate all of my time to those roles. 

The Lord has been teaching me some incredible lessons this year as I learn more about His faithfulness in the waiting and my dependence on Him for wisdom and guidance.  

But I’ve also fallen into the trap of spending time with the Lord solely focused on what I can learn in order to teach and to give away to others, which is a big part of my role as a World Race Squad Mentor.  

Somewhere along the way, I forgot that He simply wants to be with me. To pour into me and speak over my life and His plans for me. To give me good gifts. To lavish His love upon me.  

So He took me to Portugal.  

 The view from the roof of my hotel! 

This past week has been so good, but also hard. As an “off the charts” extrovert, one of my greatest love languages is shared experiences.  

The thought of a vacation alone sounded terrible. I don’t want to go all by myself! That won’t be fun or restful for me! But then He spoke directly to my heart.  

“You and I need a vacation together.” 

Just Him and me. 

To strengthen our relationship, apart from others and the roles I’ve been given. To walk in deeper trust of Him and His abundance for me and my life.  

 View of Marinha Beach 

In less than 2 weeks I turn 34. I never would have thought I’d still be single at this point in my life. I desire to be married and to have a family.  

Portugal was beautiful and I had an amazing time there, but I couldn’t help but think to myself: I wish I could share this with someone.  

Yet, in those moments of loneliness, He spoke even more tenderly. “I know. You’re not alone. I am with you and I love you.” 

He taught me to rest more deeply in Him.  

 Spent a lot of time with the Lord in this spot; reading, journaling, and enjoying the view. 

I have a tendency to live my life in action and accomplishments. I started this week out with many desires and plans.  

I was going to read the books I brought. I was going to process all the things. I was going to have major revelations about my future and the direction the Lord is taking me next. I was going to see everything there was to see and taste everything there was to taste! So that at the end, I could look back and say, “That was a success!” 

But that is not at all how He works.

We don’t do that every time we sit with and spend time with people, demanding that we achieve a specific outcome and if not determining that it wasn’t worth our time. Why should it be that way with God? 


Deep Rest. 

I’m realizing it’s OK to wake up and not have every moment of my day planned out. It’s OK to go for a hike or lay on a beach or splash around in the waves or drink a glass of wine or talk with the people who cross your path.

God is in all of it. 


View of the “M Rock” during my hike from Benagil Beach to Marinha Beach.   

“And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.“ – Matthew 28:20 

He was in everything! 

Every person I met, reminding me I’m never alone and that He gives me the right people at the right time. 

Every breathtaking view, reminding me of His vastness and creativity. 

Every adventure, reminding me that life with Him is never boring. 

Every surprise and gift, reminding me that He loves me and that I’m worthy of these blessings. 

Inside the Benagil Cave during my kayaking tour.   

I’m so thankful for my time in Portugal. It was a dream to see and experience so many things.

And the best part was: I got to do them with God. 

Sunset over the Albufeira Marina. 


**Financial Update: I’m $715 away from my support raising goal for the year and hoping for several people to join my monthly team or make a one-time donation. All contributions are tax-deductible and will go a long way to supporting my ministry! Thank you all for continuing to support me and the ministry of Adventures in Missions.