I’m off again.

This time to Cambodia to spend time with some of my beloved members from F squad (from last year) who are now serving as long term missionaries at a school in Phnom Penh and then on to Bangkok, Thailand to meet and debrief 15 young women who are wrapping up Month 1 (of 3) on a WR Fall Semesters trip. I’m doubly busy these days!

I’m feeling a lot of emotions about such a quick turnaround from my recent travels just having returned 2 weeks ago. My heart is so full from that trip and the Lord moved in some incredible and amazing ways! (Be on the lookout for a surprise guest blog soon!!)

I spent 3 weeks in South Africa and Eswatini (Swaziland) at my World Race Squad’s Month 8 debrief and Parent Vision Trip.

I struggle with feelings of inadequacy as I’ve barely had time to settle back into routine let alone feel prepared to go back out to teach and give away, but then I hear the Lord say, “Exactly.”

In this season, He’s teaching me deeper levels of trust. He’s calling me into deeper dependence on Him to complete the tasks ahead of me. I cannot do it without him. He’s the only one who knows what’s up ahead.

What is control? Do we ever really have it? There’s nothing quite like being strapped in 30,000ft above the ground to acutely remind you of how very little control we actually have over our lives and where we are headed. 

“Attempting to control what will happen to you in the future is a commonly practiced form of unbelief.” (Sarah Young)

The Lord’s Peace does not operate in this place and in our struggle for control.

God is trustworthy.

I’m learning new depths of just how much I can trust Him. In my present circumstances, with my dreams, and with my future plans.

What do you need to release to His tender and trustworthy care today?

Today I’m trusting Him in my finances and to provide. I’m in need of $715 in order to be fully funded for this fiscal year at the end of this week. Will you consider making a donation and investing in the Kingdom work I’m blessed to do with Adventures in Missions? Any amount will be an honor and blessing beyond what we can even see!  You can donate here. Thank you so much to all of my supporters and monthly donor team members, without you, none of this would be possible! I am forever grateful for your support and partnership. To God be the Glory!