Well hello there!! I am a 22 year old girl living in Nashville, TN. I’ve been here for half of my life, the first half spent in Pennsylvania, where most of my extended family resides. I love singing and dancing (though I’m not so great at the dancing part!), people of all ages and races, playing with my precious nephew, spending time digging deeper into the Word with some amazing friends God has brought along beside me, musica, writing, reading, and just trying to continue on the path God has me!

My family isn’t exactly conventional. With some painful pieces in my childhood that is the foundation for a lot of my story, God definitely had some wounds to heal in me, and has done so beautifully. I have a woooonderful mother: Wendy, and a (step) dad who is in every right my father: Pat, a (step) sister: Ashley, and a little brother (who’s not so little anymore!): Nick. There’s also the light of all of our lives, Ashley’s son, Jordan. We’ve all been through some incredibly painful times together, and it has really served to make us stronger as a family.

I am just finishing my undergraduate degree through Liberty University online with my Bachelor’s in psychology. I was
planning on going straight into graduate school at Trevecca Nazarene University, but God had other plans for me. I still think I’ll go to graduate school eventually, in order to fulfill God’s calling for me to counsel young women. I’ve been interning at Mercy Ministries and experiencing so much in just seeing how God can move, heal, and restore. BUT (meaning..this is a big BUT) right now God is calling me to minister to the nations! When I first felt his urging for me to go with the World Race, I started running away, but my Father, being the gracious God that He is, He has been patient with me and shown me what He desires of me. As I have been calling on him and surrendering to him, saying “Here I am Lord, do with me as You will,” he has been listening and now He is calling.

“Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, “Here am I. Send me!’ ” -Isaiah 6:8

Send me.