I wish
I could put into words what my heart feels now and what I have learned.  I have had some of the greatest opportunities
to serve those in need but what I have found the most rewarding is the freedom
I have found for myself.  I am only
finishing month three but God has healed things in my life and helped me deal
with things I didn’t even realize were there. 
I look back and see myself striving to serve God out of my
strength.  I picture me caring a heavy
box hunched over limping along.  I
proclaimed Jesus out of brokenness.  Now
the brokenness was never wrong, in fact His strength is made perfect in
weakness but it wasn’t the freedom He desired for me.  The very reason Jesus died on the cross was
for my freedom I just never knew how to live in it.  With each of the past months I have
recognized things in my thoughts that were not of God and they have been slowly
peeled away.  It is so refreshing to be
at this point but I know the journey has only begun.


A new
part to my journey will be stepping in to Africa and arriving with a new team.  Part of the process of the World Race is to
challenge each other so that we grow in our walk with Christ.  The team we are with becomes like family.  

I journeyed through Europe with team Umoja,
which was an awesome experience.  I love
each one on that team dearly.  In fact I
was devastated when I heard our teams would change.  It took me a few days to process and realize
I do want what God wants and if that involves change I would accept it.  Change will bring about new challenges and
that means I will grow.   One of my new
team members(team yet to be named) said that she got a word for me. 
She said “this will be a new season and there will be new healing for
you.”  Sometimes I wonder what more I have
to heal but God keeps finding stuff.  I
think it is amazing because there are things that I don’t think of but He truly
wants me functioning at my intended potential. 
 I am ready for this new season
and I am ready for Africa. 

                I will
try to post more about what I will be doing in Kenya once I know.  Hopefully before I leave Ireland because it
sounds like I will be a long way from the city and the likely hood of internet
is slim.