So I
have been gone 10 months now. I can’t help but think of all the things I
miss.  Thought I would share a few of the
things you don’t realize you love until you don’t have them.

 First of course family and friends…

 Then in order of importance…

 -Hot showers

-Real bath towels

-A real bed

-Clean feet

-Air conditioning

-Washer and dryer (I am over hand washing clothes)

-Being able to communicate easily with people

-Sitting in coffee shops

-Going to Borders bookstore looking through all the
options, and smelling that fresh book smell


-Being able to cook your own food

– Being alone (Specifically driving in your car with the
music cranked up singing)

-Having a cell phone and text messages

-Having a larger wardrobe than what fits in a pack

-Internet that is dependable

-Consistency in your daily life

-Chipotle and Subway (mostly months when we are hungry
eating only rice and beans for every meal)

-A life where roaches, rodents, bedbugs, and other
insects are not normal


That’s all for now, I am sure the list could go on.  Count down is on though approximately 40 days till I am home!