This month we will be working with Teen Challenge
Cambodia.  Teen Challenge is an
organization that works with teens and adults with addiction.  Here at the center in Cambodia they work
specifically with young men.  Currently
there are 26 boys and men in the program ages 12-40. All with former addictions
ranging from huffing glue to meth.  Last
night we had a Christmas and New Years celebration where I got to bust a move
with my new Cambodian friends and even learned a Cambodian dance.  Let me tell you these boys can dance. 

this month may prove challenging in the physical as we have bucket showers with
rain water(that’s a first for me), squatty potties, and we are sleeping on the
floor(and my mat seems to have a hole in it) I am looking forward to what the
Lord will do.  After last month being
such a challenge in the spiritual for me and my team I am reassured He is
positioning us for what He will do this month. 
We came into this month spiritually fatigued but I am finding I am
already experiencing peace and rest here.

We have joined our men Tyler and
Chad while Logan remained in Bangkok to see more doctors.  Hopefully, she will join us in a week.  We will also have another addition to team
Roar, Sydney Sample is returning to the field after losing her mother in
Ireland a few months ago.  Sydney is an
amazing woman and we are so excited to have her part of our team.  A few prayer requests: right now Jen, Anna
and Logan are sick on my team, please be praying for their health.  Please pray for Sydney as she travels. Also,
as we enter into month 8 some us are really fatigued please pray for energy and
strength. In a nutshell that’s all for now, I will try to update when I