I have stepped foot in Africa!  I wasn’t sure how I would feel but I am so
excited for this new experience.  My new team
is now called Shekhinah this is something I never heard of but it is the presence
of God that rests within a Tabernacle. Check out this site to learn more about Shekhinah http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shekhinah  I
guess I see my team as a tabernacle because we move from place to place and the
presence of God is upon us.  My squad as
a whole has had an interesting last week. 
We had the Awakening where all World Racers on the field met up in
Dublin.  We worshiped and had teachings
together.  Our last few days in Dublin we
had team changes.  This has led to an
increased unity and has really been refreshing. 

                We are
finding that we have God’s favor in many aspects of the race.  From logistical things to contacts we really
have experienced traveling and ministry mercy. 
Many things that have been spoken over our squad, even visions people
have had are coming to pass.  Such as
when leaders had meetings in New York it was spoken over one leader that she
would be carrying a white banner with freedom on it.  This was never told to the squad but it was
spoken over her again the last night in Dublin by one of my teammates.  To our surprise we remembered we had made a
white banner with “Freedom” written on it at our Night watch where we stayed up
all night to pray.(remember we had never heard the first vision from New York)  Then our coach said he wanted all of us to
hit the top of the door of the plane as we exited into Kenya, like players of a
sport do entering a field.  On the plane
before we did this one of the guys on my team found a song which just resonates
with all the things God has been doing in our squad. We have been told that
many teams come out of Africa worn out but for us Africa will be what gives us
our heart beat it will give us the rhythm of God.

                I sit
expectant of what God is going to do these next 3 months.  Truly, I ask you to be in prayer for my Squad
as we hit this battle field like champions. 
This is more than doing good in the world this is bringing Kingdom and
the Devil is not happy.  Pray for
protection over us and our families.   

Our Squad song from 2010 World Cup