I recently heard of this article about an atheist who stated Africa needs God.  I read the article which was very interesting.  Here is a link if you would like to read it too. http://powertochange.com/discover/world/atheistgod/ 
   As a Christian I want to share the hope I have in Jesus with everyone but that doesn’t mean all want to hear.  Evangilism is a very touchy subject for our world especially Americans.  Some may view it as pushing ones own beliefs on others.  I sit and wonder what is so bad about having hope in something? Having a purpose?    Yes there is suffering in the world and I am about to get the biggest reality check ever of my life of this but why do some believe it bad to share hope in the name of Jesus to those that may not have anything else.  Is it because people have been hurt by Christians? is it because people here in America with all of their needs met don’t need Jesus themselves?  Here in America it is difficult to need hope in anything when everything is right at our fingertips.   There is a world outside of this individualistic society that is in desperate need of something.  
   Yes as a Christian Missionary on this journey I will be sharing hope and love ONLY in the name of Jesus.  If I was saved and changed by any other name I would do it under that name.  But Buddha and Mohammed didn’t get to me first. I am not going to force people to believe what I believe.  Really are you forcing anyway? Salvation comes by ones own personal choice.   I will for sure share the hope that I have in Him, and if one person goes to sleep with an ounce more hope, experiences peace, and feels more love than they woke up with I will I know I have made a difference.  As the article points out there is something to Christian evangilism that secular programs can not offer…I see this as Eternal Hope.
Praise His matchless name, thank you Jesus!

 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? Romans 8:24