So I
did survive the longest travel of my life. 
What kept me going were the plans to see two very dear friends.  The first friend in LAX and the second in
Miami.  Seeing people you know on the
Race is always a blessing.  I will do a
little play by play of what 4 days of travel looks like.

Thursday:  Wake up
shower, pack, and hang out all day until bus left Chiang Mai at 9pm

Friday: Get minimal sleep on the overnight Thai bus ride.  Get dropped off at bus station and do a
little haggling with locals for best taxi deal to get to the airport.  We arrived at the airport early Friday morning
our flight didn’t leave for 24 hours. So I set up my sleeping quarters on an
airport bench.  I was officially
homeless.  We pretty much passed the time
doing anything we could dream up.  

Saturday: We boarded the plane at 5 AM, flight was approximately 5 or 6
hours, I managed to sleep 2 hours or so.  We arrived in Tokyo.
I bought a very expensive Mc Donald’s meal and then boarded the next flight to LAX. I slept about 3
hours on this longer flight.( i don’t remember how long it was maybe 10 hours)

Saturday AM again (due to time zones): We arrive in LAX and I get in
contact with a friend that Team Umoja met in Ukraine.  Hannah has been planning to meet us on our
layover but her flight has been canceled. So I hang out in airport again all day( don’t worry I am a pro at it by now)  I experience culture shock even in the airport.
Finally Hannah gets a flight and arrives late in the evening. We visit a few hours before
we have to board our next flight to Miami.  I slept 2 hours on this flight.

Sunday: We arrive in Miami.  I meet up with my friend Christine. 
Where I get to hang out for a few hours and catch up.  Around 11 am we board our final

flight to
Nicaragua.  No sleep was had on this
flightL .  Arrive in Nicaragua and are greeted by our
lovely contacts and driven about an hour to hour location.  I didn’t see much, my eyes were closed but when
I did open them it was beautiful.  We
arrived at our new location around 4 pm Sunday (really my Monday if I was still
on Asia time) and found out we are staying in a beautiful hotel that is owned
by our contacts.  I opened the door to
our room fell on the nearest bed and woke up the next morning.  Seven hours of sleep in 4 days does a number
on you. But least I had a brief visit with friends and America!


More to come on our ministry here in Nicaragua…