So I just missed the largest nursing strike in US history.  I consider the fact that it was all God’s plan.  Little did I know in August of last year that we would be striking in June when I was to leave.  The transition seems so seamless though.  Most nurses are handling it well and hopefully the strike will only be a day but any longer and with this economy it will be hard take on that financial burden.

Although I’ve tried to keep up on what is going on in the nursing world it has been hard with all the preparations for my trip.  I can’t believe I leave for Georgia in 2 days.  It is so hard to get excited with the burden of all things I have to do.  I think the me as I know myself to be is forever to be changed and maybe gone.  Thats a sobering thought and scary too.  I hope to enhance the gifts the God has given me and really grow.  But my life is about to be rocked probably more than it ever has been and suddenly all I want to do is jam on the breaks.  Change is not easy for me, I don’t think it is easy for anyone really. According to the word we must die to ourselves.  Easy to read that and not do anything about it very hard to actually try to do it.  I think this will be the biggest challenge of my trip learning to die to the person I was and step into the person God has called me to be.  I give myself to much credit here though.  As I take on the hurdle of all this change, God is just calling me to step back and let Him soften my heart, grow the good, and minimize the bad.  
Stay tuned God is already moving in my life. I can’t stop time so change will have to come. I know I will look back on this and see God’s perfect plan.  Bring on training camp…next I’ll be taking on the World.  Whahaha.