I wasn’t able to blog this last week as my computer decided to die on me.  Praise the Lord it made it nearly to the end though! I had my final debrief with my squad in Anrtigua, Guatemala.  Lots of goodbyes but it was a  very good time.
As of right now I am in Florida USA!  What a surreal experience.  I am having culture shock such as toilet paper goes in the toilet not the trash can, I don’t have to say “gracias” all the time, warm water comes out of the shower and faucet, I can read signs quickly and easily,  and I am sure this list will get longer.   I feel I am in a dream. 
Still a little time until I am back in MN.  I will be here in Florida for just over a week and then on to Georgia for a training camp before going home.  Can’t wait! I hope to a write a more detailed update when I get back home to MN.  🙂 blessings to all