Hey ya’ll…
I wrote a couple of blogs on Amy’s computer, put them on my jump drive, came to the internet cafe, and the computer won’t open my jump drive.  So…  I will try again later.  In the meantime…

We are back in Bangkok after an absolutely fabulous debrief on Koh Semed Island – a little bit of paradise.  We had time to sit on the beach, swim, spend quality time with the friends we see less often than our own team.  We had fewer meetings and training times, and one on one debriefs with a few people were great.

Right now, the team headed to the Philippines is chilling out here in Bangkok.  Scott and Linnea Molgard, Rusty Jackson, and Josh Daniels are joining the remaining 4 ZEO girls to do set up work for following teams in Manila and other areas of the Philippines.

We leave on the 6th and will be returning to Bangkok, yet again, on Oct 6th, before flying to China for the last leg of our trip.  It should be an amazing trip with a new group of people this month.  Please pray for us to find the right contacts and make the best of our time there, setting up ministry for the June and September Racers to come through.  Pray also for our safety as we have heard that it is not the safest place we’ve been all year.