Today ends our second week here in Phuket. I am still loving it, although the weather this week has affirmed the fact that it is actually monsoon season, and it has rained everyday, and every night. I’m not talking about sprinkling either, but full blown downpours, multiple times a day. It’s crazy. The rains have cooled down the air though, which is appreciated.

Ministry is still good. We go out to the bars each Tuesday and Friday, and some of us much more often. I think I went out to visit girls 5 times last week. I am really enjoying it. It is a long term job though, and with only 1 week left, I don’t foresee any of the girls making the decision to change vocations before we go. But I trust that God will continue to touch their hearts and will possibly be using some June Racers to follow behind us next month and continue loving these girls.

I still mostly visit Un at Sydney Bar, and am finally posting pictures!

  I love her hair!!

  So I got the crazy face message and Un did not…

 This time I missed it…

 I will miss her when I go.  Keep her in your prayers!